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Keys to Feeling Ageless

Here’s what people are saying about us…


I have noticed that I have become stronger since participating in your classes.Tonight i did your online class. I miss your instruction and being together. thank you so much!!! - Jeanne F.

“I ruptured both of my achilles years ago and lost a lot of dorsiflexion in my ankle and strength in my calf. Today’s YBR was a better workout for both than I ever had in PT.”

I am a newbie here when it comes to using free weights in this style of a workout. I enjoyed pumped, Denise was very pleasant and mindful of modifications. My arms and thighs are going to be thanking me for sure tomorrow!! And I was pleasantly surprised that I could do as many push-ups as I did, I have always struggled with them and I believe the Learn and Burn lessons I have been doing from your Take The Controls 2021 Program has greatly helped my form and confidence. Thank you so much!! - Trish G.

Thank you Tracey for sharing your gift of teaching YBR and inspiring me to develop a wellness routine. What a great way to start the week. My body and soul needed that! - Stephanie W.

Vicki is always full of energy, always with a smile, determined to give everyone a good experience, amazingly resilient with all the changes in venue and technology brought on by the pandemic.
She has done her best to keep us sane, connected and in good shape. She's the best! - Claudia L.

“YBR class was fantastic, totally needed that shoulder work. I am totally loving the benefits of Yamuna…my body is too!!!

"I strongly recommend having a one on one or group session with Tracey Dubois for Yamuna Body Rolling. This winter, I met with Tracey for four private sessions. Each session targeted different areas of my body where I experienced tightness and/or discomfort. I found Tracey to be passionate, experienced and very knowledgeable of Yamuna Body Rolling techniques. She is very patient and spent extra time listening to my concerns to create an individualized program that included instructions for home use. I am now able to perform Yamuna Body Rolling on my own and it has greatly improved my mobility and physical well being." - Cheryl L.